Youth Exchange "Social concept of love: youth against terror (ism) was held in Slavonski Brod in the period from 01 to 09th march, 2016 year. Exchange was attended by a total of 40 young people from the Croatia, Turkey, Poland, Macedonia and Greece. The idea of youth exchange was based on the effective and efficient fight against all forms of extremism and the spread of radicalization in order to transfer knowledge so that society could continue to develop the positive values of democracy. Through workflow activities we have redefined the concepts of social responsibility and love going deep into the philosophy of love, solidarity and unity. Participants of youth exchange presented the cultural diversity of Europe, and their profiles and lifestyle have shown that terrorism and radicalization are not related to religion, nationality or ethnicity, and that is through the exchange of experiences, knowledge, emotions, and above all the coexistence of different cultures can remove conditions conducive to the spread of radicalization and fundamentalization in order to achieve global peace in order to protect human rights.
Projekt "Create-Social-Recources (CSR)"
Szkolenia dla Rad Pedagogicznych z zakresu „interakcja i współpraca z rodzicami w sytuacji sporu i konfliktu